About the Founder
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Cynthia (Cee) Boyd, PhD, RN, FAAN
Dr. Cynthia (Cee) Boyd began her career at the University of Illinois in 1973 as a registered nurse. She served in various roles from a head nurse, assistant director of nursing, Executive Director of the Mile Square Health Center, Special Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Health affairs, Assistant Dean, College of Nursing and Director, Great Cities Initiatives before becoming the Senior Director of the Office of Community Engagement and Neighborhood Health Partnerships and Mile Square School Based Health Centers. Dr. Boyd was a co-leader for the Community Engagement and Research Core of the UIC Center for Clinical Translational Science (CCTS) where she facilitated community engagement. She served as co-investigator for the Center of Excellence for Eliminating Disparities, a UIC Center seeded by the Center for Disease Control focused on reducing disparities in diabetes and cardiovascular disease. She has published and presented her work in community based participatory research and community engagement to both national and international audiences. She was a member of the National Institute Council on Councils, a past member of the National Advisory Council for Nursing Research and member and past Chair of the Board of Directors of Community Campus Partnerships for Health, an international organization focused on social justice, community/university partnerships, community scholarship and community based participatory research among other important issues. She served on numerous boards and committees including the School Based Health Center Alliance, the Center for Population Health and Health Disparities and the Illinois Public Health Institute. Dr. Boyd was a Robert Wood Johnson Executive Nurse Fellow Alumni, a fellow in the American Academy of Nursing and the Chicago Institute of Medicine.